Web: www.solcityservices.com     |     Email: Info@Solcityservices.com     |     Phone: 213-567-0585‬

"Trusted and Experienced Solar Installation Company"


Residential Installations

Solar has become affordable to homeowners throughout Southern California and Sol City Services offers suitable solutions based on your energy needs. Given a 30% solar investment tax credit as well as rebates, there has never been a better time to go solar, but these financial incentives won't be around forever. Not to worry. You're in good company with the Sol City Services team. We will design, install, and switch-on a custom system for you. Then start generating your own clean energy. Residential solar PV systems boast immediate savings on your monthly electric bill. Not only that, your environmental impact on mother earth dramatically decreases. Are you ready to take your home solar? Fill out our FREE QUOTE form and begin to discover the advantages to going solar with Sol City Services.

Commercial Installations

Sol City Services is no stranger to commercial projects. Whether a large warehouse or small profesional office, we believe businesses, as well as households, can take full advantage of the benefits of solar energy. You expect superior workmanship from Sol City Services that will impress your clients, while also saving your business thousands on your electric costs. Businesses may use the FREE QUOTE form to begin the process of going solar with Sol City Services.

Did you know that without proper maintenance and cleaning, your solar panel warranty may be void? Additionally, According to the National Renewable Energy solar energy loss can range as high as 25% in many areas. When solar panels are not cleaned.

They are many factors that contribute to the decreased efficiency of your solar panel system. With many system located near ocean, dessert, agricultural land, industrial areas, and heavy used roadways and highways are greater at risk of build up debris.

Bird Barrier

Environmental groups, healthcare agencies and even OSHA have recognized the significant health risks pest bird can pose, and companies and homeowners that don't have effective bird control solutions in place are assuming unnecessary and potentially costly risks.

The best solution: Keep birds and bird damage in check by installing effective bird control systems.

SolCity Services is the leading provider of private and commercial bird control solutions, offering the most innovative and cost-efficient bird control products available in today's market. From nesting sites to roosting areas, Our products can be tailored to suit the needs of any business, or home. We offer a complete line of bird control methods and ideal for exterior applications as well as solutions designed to battle pest problems that occur from birds in warehouse and semi-enclosed storage areas.

Pest birds can be noisy, smelly, unsightly, destructive and even dangerous to your health. No matter what type of bird control problem you're having, we have the solution. Browse our site or contact us today to learn how our bird control services and products can help you tackle your pest bird problems.

Birds poop; it's a proven fact. And they are not too picky about where they do it either. In fact, this is how Cezar/Karo thinks birds see the world:

Cynical, yes – but how else to explain those strategically-placed bird droppings on your freshly-washed car?
Here in the solcityservices world, we tend to think that this is how birds see solar panels too. Either that, or with a "Space for Rent" sign since they also like to build nests under the panels.

Solar panels create a nice, cool spot that is perfect for helping to keeping your house cooler during the summer. It's also the perfect place for birds to build their nests. This in itself is generally fine, but with nests come lots of poop. And most people don't like the idea of mounds and mounds of bird droppings piling up on their roof (and definitely not on top of their panels).

What to do? Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions to the problem. From practical to wicked awesome, here are a few items that we provide to help protect your panels:

1. Bird mesh: We seal up the area under the panels, We install a wire mesh that clips directly to the solar panels and goes completely around the entire array.

2. Spikes: they may look medieval, but spikes along the edges of your panels make things uncomfortable and will help keep the birds from hanging out long enough to make a mess.

3. Plastic birds of prey: The old fake owl trick still works, believe it or not. Especially if its head swivels around in the breeze.

And sometime it's not the birds you need to look out for. Bees and wasps look for cool spots to build their nests and hives too. But they tend to get their creations tangled up in all of the wires (as pictured below). Wasps are a lot more aggressive than birds when you disturb their home so be careful when examining them. It's a lot harder to try and keep them away but if they do become a nuisance, best to call a professional for hive removal. Remember, safety first!

Whether you decide to live in mutual harmony with your panel-dwelling friends or take steps to keep things animal/pest free, choosing the most humane way to do so is always the most eco-friendly way to proceed.

Solar Panel Cleaning

How can I tell if my Solar Panels are dirty?

If they look dirty…they are dirty.

However, for a variety of reasons solar panels can "look" clean, and still be dirty enough to reduce efficiency. Looking clean doesn't necessarily mean they are clean.

Airborne dirt comes from a variety of sources like bird droppings, dust, leaves, etc.. This is compounded by the fact that solar panels are usually mounted in a near-horizontal position.

Why should I keep my solar panels clean?

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and other sources estimate that solar array efficiency can be reduced by 20%, or more, if the panels are allowed to get dirty.

In some cases, the panels can even be permanently damaged by dirt and debris. In order to get all the energy you paid for from your photovoltaic system, the panels must be kept clean.

How often should my solar panels be cleaned?

If your solar array is well away from trees, the ocean, and any other contaminant source, cleaning can be done every 2 to 4 months.

If the solar system is near any significant source of contaminants, monthly cleaning may be required.

Can I clean my solar panels myself?

Yes you can. Here is a partial list of what you will need to attempt your own solar system cleaning:

- Ladder that will reach the top of the highest panels.
- No fear of heights.
- Pressure washer (rent or buy).
- Soap or detergent approved for use on your solar panels.
- Safety glasses
- For roof-mounted systems - A safety harness securely anchored to the building to make sure you can't fall off (or through) the roof (OSHA considers a fall of 2 stories, or more, to be a "death fall").
- Valid medical insurance (in case you fall, get debris in your eyes, or cut yourself)
- Never try to do your own roof cleaning without an assistant for safety).
- However, if you want to save time, money, and possible serious personal injury, please call us toll-free at 213-567-0585‬.
We will send our trained technicians to take care of all your solar panel cleaning needs.

How to Choose a Solar Panel Cleaning Service Provider?

- Get at least 3 solar panel cleaning quotes.
- Have each contractor quote both one-time and routine service. Never pay a contractor for an estimate.
- Carefully check their liability, worker's compensation, and vehicle liability insurance coverage. Make sure they list you as "additionally insured" on their policies.
- Make them state, in the contract, that all members of their crew who will be on your property are employees of the contractor and the contractor will not use "day labor."
- Ask for solar panel cleaning references, and check them out carefully.

Why Solcity Services for Solar Panel Cleaning?

Our technicians are trained professionals with many years of experience in solar panel cleaning & Installations. We conduct background checks on each technician prior to their joining our team. Our team is knowledgeable, courteous, and drug-free.

We are insured, safe, and heavily focused on getting the job done right, every time. Our team uses commercial grade equipment and environmentally safe cleaning agents to deliver results without harming the planet.

What Sets Us Apart

We understand that you have made a big investment in your solar panels. We will clean your solar panels with the utmost care, using the right equipment and cleaning agents to prevent damage of any kind.

Other services: Gutter Cleaning

Call 213-567-0585‬ for a FREE ESTIMATE today!